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Untranslated Items In Calendar

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Registered: 11/05/04
Posts: 26
Location:Hokkaido, Japan
I am using the Japanese translation of Geeklog and I noticed that there are a few places that things have not been translated. In both the weekly view and the daily view of the calendar, the top dates are not translated. For example, for today it says "Tuesday, 11/16/04" instead of the Japanese word for Tuesday (火曜日, or kayoubi). The same is true in the weekly view, where it says "November" instead of the Japanese word for November.

Does anybody know where I go to change this? Is it just in the language file? Or is it getting the date from the server? Thanks.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Make sure to set the correct locale for Japan / Japanese in config.php

bye, Dirk

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Forum User
Registered: 11/05/04
Posts: 26
Location:Hokkaido, Japan
I have the locale set to Japanese, but it doesn't do any good. All of the months and days in the calendar weekly and daily views are showing up in English. I'm also getting the same problem in the upcoming events block. How is it getting these names? Is it from the server, or somwehere in GL?

Thanks for your help.


I have the same problem with my norwegian site.
I figure out that if I set:

$_CONF['locale'] = 'no_NO';

instead of :

$_CONF['locale'] = 'no-NO';

It works...

Best reg.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Arcanum: I have the locale set to Japanese, but it doesn't do any good.

It's possible that your webserver doesn't support the Japanese locale. Try the little test script I posted over here.

Quote by Arcanum: How is it getting these names? Is it from the server, or somwehere in GL?

Geeklog is getting some of the texts from the language file and some from PHP's date functions (that's where the locale setting comes into play).

bye, Dirk

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