Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, March 11 2025 @ 07:23 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

User Admin trouble



I am running an site for a international community.
Each country should only see their stuff and administer it.
This works for all content, but not for the users.

If I have someone as a User Admin, he can always see all the users in the DB, and edit their username password and such.

I think people should only be able to see other people and edit them (see in the stats, edit in user menu etc) when they have at least exactly the same group permissions or more than the other.

A completely normal logged-in user that has only "logged in" and "all users" and a "Group Switzerland" permission should not be edited by someone who has also "logged in" and "all users" but not "Group Switzerland", instead "Group Austria" and "User Admin" rights.

Does this make sense for other people here too? Should it not be possible to make one user Admin responsible ONLY for a certain group of users instead of all of them?

Also, why can the User Admin see the root users in the list although he cannot edit them? should they not simply be exluded from the list?

All times are EDT. The time is now 07:23 am.

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