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Search results, query variable, bug?

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When I search for some keywords, why are the links generated with an additional &query value? I know this is helpful for tracking but I don't see this type of information in the Top 10 of the stats page, so was this a potential feature that was never used? Maybe a highlighting feature? (or is that what it's used for and my css doesn't assign an alternate color?)

edit: additional question, see below

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Quote by RickWFrownor is that what it's used for and my css doesn't assign an alternate color?)

Nevermind, already figured it out - I just looked at the source of one of these pages and that's exactly what it's used for... Embarassed

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New question about search results:

If I search for "spam", and click on one of the articles, I get this:

Spam King Struck Down in Court

But note the (now) highlighted "spam". Two of the words are supposed to be "spammers", but they show up as "spamers" (mispelled). If I remember correctly, that's how the article was originally posted and I had to correct the mistake. So does the search routine cache all of the searches?

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That may be a side-effect of the regexp that does the highlighting.

The search is always done on the current content of the story - there's no caching happening here.

bye, Dirk

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