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Changing Domain Names

Del Dhanoa

I changed my website doman name from www.domain1.com to www.newdomain.com

how do I change the domain name in Geeklog so that everything points to www.newdomain.com?

I am using Geeklog 1.3.9sr2.

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FAQ , anyone?

Read this.

Regarding the images, I still would like to know a way to do this for multiple fields automatically.

And 1.3.10 may have fixed the "older stories" bug (Dirk?).

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The first thing to change, obviously, would be $_CONF['site_url']. That should actually be enough to get your site to work again on the new domain.

If you're using uploaded images in stories, then those have the old domain name in their URL. The same goes for any links that you've used in stories, comments, etc. The easiest here would probably be to grab an SQL dump (use Geeklog's backup function) and do a search and replace on it, then re-import it into the database.

There's also a related FAQ entry: Migrating a Geeklog site

bye, Dirk

Del Dhanoa

talk to me like I am an idiot.. because I am an idiot noob when it comes to this Geeklog stuff

You said:

"The first thing to change, obviously, would be $_CONF['site_url']. "

what file is that in? lib-common.php?

and is it on line 101 for the version I am using?

furthermore, what do I change it to? Is it changed to
$_CONF['www.newdomain.com'] ?

- Del

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Quote by Del Dhanoa: talk to me like I am an idiot.. because I am an idiot noob when it comes to this Geeklog stuff

We all were once idiots...(did someone just say speak for yourself?) Mr. Green

Anyway, the statement Dirk is referring to is in the "config.php" file. Inside it should read:
$_CONF['site_url'] = 'http://www.newdomain.com';

Hope this helps your transfer.

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