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Date & Time in the Dutch-NL format


How can I change the date & time in the Dutch format ?
Can you also change it in a new to post article ?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Make sure you've set the proper locale in config.php. For the Netherlands, it's probably

$_CONF['locale'] = 'nl_NL';

bye, Dirk



I have automatically installed by CPanel. Must the config file be downloaded, changed and then again uploaded ?


// | |
// | see docs/config.html#locale for details |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['language'] = 'dutch';
$_CONF['locale'] = 'en-gb'; ONLY HERE ? nl_NL
$_CONF['date'] = '%A, %B %d %Y @ %I:%M %p';
$_CONF['daytime'] = '%m/%d %I:%M%p';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly'] = '%d-%b';
$_CONF['timeonly'] = '%I:%M %p';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';

date, daytime erc. can stay like it is now ?
do you not have the wrong mix then ?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The %A etc. are replaced with the current day names, etc. based on the locale. So the only thing you probably want to change there is the am/pm time format. See the documentation for details.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 08/05/03
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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
My settings on a Free-BSD server (characterset required)

Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['language']  = 'dutch';
$_CONF['locale']    = 'nl_NL.ISO_8859-1';
$_CONF['date'] = '%A %d %B %Y @ %H:%M %Z';
$_CONF['daytime'] = '%m/%d %H:%M';
$_CONF['timeonly'] = '%H : %M : %S';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly']  = '%d-%b';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'nl_NL.ISO_8859-1';
$_CONF['timezone']  = 'Europe/Amsterdam';

Linux server:

Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['language']  = 'dutch';
$_CONF['locale']    = 'nl_NL';
$_CONF['date']      = '%A, %d %B %Y - %H:%M';
$_CONF['daytime']   = '%d-%m %H:%M';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly']  = '%d-%b';
$_CONF['timeonly']  = '%H:%M %p %Z';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'iso-8859-1';


Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net


Beewee I thank you for your great work. The linux solution works perfect. I am very glad that someone wanted to help me in this way.
I also gives me confdence for the future.
I had no experience with PHP.
Only 1 question I have. The time on the webiste 14.10 and the real time is 21.10.
Could you help me one time again ? Very Happy

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Registered: 08/05/03
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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Assuming you want the dutch/belgian time:

Text Formatted Code
$_CONF['timezone']  = 'Europe/Amsterdam';

Or do a forum search for the Time Zone hack
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net


Quote by city: Beewee I thank you for your great work. The linux solution works perfect. I am very glad that someone wanted to help me in this way.
It also gives me confdence for the future.
I had no experience with PHP.
Only 1 question I have. The time on the website 14.10 and the real time is 21.10.
Could you help me one time again ? Very Happy


I submitted the rule and uploaded it but still the wrong time. What could I have done wrong ?

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Registered: 08/05/03
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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Sorry, this only works when using the timezone hack, so hae a look over here
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net


Because I have no experience with PHP I am afraid that the website will go offline. It looks very simple nevertheless. I succeeded to leave away the time and only the dutch date. That also looks very well and I am really satisfied that this went good so far.

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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
I'm no PHP expert as well (to be more specific: I'm far from being a PHP expert), so we're lucky with all the helpful forum members. Thnx guys!
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The timezone hack is built into Geeklog since version 1.3.10, btw.

bye, Dirk


o.k. I have version 1.3.9 - I understand that it is better to upgrade but I have no experience with it. I hope in the future this can be done automatically or with a wizzard.

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Registered: 08/05/03
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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Not more difficult than first install..
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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