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upgrading geeklog

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To be honest, it's a pain to upgrade geeklog with all the changes that I have made in the past 2 years. Why can't only the changed files be released instead of having to spend 3 hours "reinventing the wheel" and having to move every little piece?
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You can easily make your own change patch. Just create a delta from the new archive against your current version. There are desktop tools and server based tools.
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Quote by Blaine: You can easily make your own change patch. Just create a delta from the new archive against your current version. There are desktop tools and server based tools.

Hi Blaine Mr. Green

Can you give me a little more info on creating a delta. I think the word "delta" is confusing me.

Are you referring to something like Beyond Compare? If so, i couldn't imagine comparing every file. Shocked Surely you are speaking of something that will scan multiple files. Can I have a hint or buy a vowel please?
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Beyond Compare can compare complete directories recursively as well - I use it for this all the time.

A delta was referring to the differences. There are tools that can create a patch that would automatically create a update script from the file differences. This is done often on UNIX systems but you need to know that your changes will work with the new code. There have been some code relocated for example from lib-common.php and users.php ( a new lib-user.php was created).

It's not so easy as just distributing or applying a patch for all sites. How would a single distributed patch handle the situation where code is removed from users.php and placed in a more common library lib-user.php. Your code may have been in users.php to extend or change the adduser code. I don't see how a common patch in that case would help someone who had custom modifications in users.php. There are too many exceptions and I believe this is why we don't distribute patches.

If your only asking for a list of the changed files - then that is already provided. Look in public_html/docs/changed-files

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understood, thanks for quick answer.
GeekLog Hosting, Installations and Upgrades - WWW.AWEHOST.COM - Hosting starts @ only $4.95/mo.

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Quote by vadertech: Why can't only the changed files be released instead of having to spend 3 hours "reinventing the wheel" and having to move every little piece?

A list of the files that changed since the last release is always included in docs/changed-files

bye, Dirk

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