Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, December 26 2024 @ 10:01 pm EST

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How do I make the just hyperlink to get the guestbook into the middle frame in the main page ? (and not in a new window/page)


Is it so difficult to give an answer to this question ?

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Registered: 11/06/02
Posts: 523
Hi City,

You need to give more information. I have no idea what guestbook your talking about nor do I understand what you mean by "make the just hyperlink to get the guestbook into the middle frame"

Is english your first language?

Maybe give an example of what you have and what you want. That will help you to get a response. and BTW rudely stating that nobody has helped you yet is not likely to get anyone to respond. Remember these answers are all volunteered so be as clear as you can be and be nice, otherwise nobody will want to assist you.

It is always nice to know who your talking to as well so you may want to consider actually signing up for an account and adding your URL to your details. I think people will be more receptive then.

Good luck

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Registered: 07/16/02
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You may also want to look at this previous post: here
Geeklog components by PortalParts -- www.portalparts.com

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Registered: 03/22/04
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thought I'd chime in too...

Geeklog's main page doesn't use frames first of all...
second, It makes no difference how you construct your hyperlink--it will not affect where your content is placed because placing your content is not a function of the hyperlink. pay attention to Blaine's advice for placing your content.
Any links you make simply point to the content in whatever place you have set it.


Quote by city: Is it so difficult to give an answer to this question ?

Wow could not even wait three hours for a reply. I am surprised anybody helped you considering your attitide. Try and remember that the software is free and so is technical support. If you can't handle waiting for support then maybe you should considered purchasing some weblog software or better yet write your own.


o.k. guys -
1. English is not my first language
2. Dutch is my first language
3. the way you post it on this forum..mum..
I will absolutely consider to take an account
4. I thought placing a hyperlink and the logica is a question
a lot of people can answer having a guestbook
5. to have not patience enough...
I think there is another problem.
the information about
Geeklog could be put on the website
much better - it is too much ad hoc at the moment
there should be an index for simple questions and answers
and a second one for the more difficult questions
now you have to search too much - not neccessary
6. a index from A till Z > like Microsoft does.
7. Geeklog would become even more popular.


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Registered: 11/06/02
Posts: 523
Hello again City,

Sounds to me like your looking for the FAQ

See if that helps to answer your initial questions. Remember the clearer you are with your questions the easier it is for others to assist you.



The FAQ is absolutely not enough.
An index would be much better.

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