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RSS newbie question

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Sigh...norhing is as simple as it seems...

I want to add a block to my site, "my RSS feed" or somesuch, that gives people copy-n-paste HTML or Javascript code, so they can add my RSS
feed to their website.

I've found the RDF file my feed resides in.

OK, so what HTML/whatever could I post for people to cut-n-paste onto their web site to display the feed? Hopefully something easily modified to limit/change the number of headlines it'll display. I'll test first by adding it to my site, as an admin-only-seen block.

Thanks for all help!

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Quote by tstockma: I want to add a block to my site, "my RSS feed" or somesuch, that gives people copy-n-paste HTML or Javascript code, so they can add my RSS
feed to their website.

What exactly do you mean by "so they can add my RSS feed to their website"?

They obviously need something that reads the feed and displays it. Just like Geeklog's portal blocks do. For which all they would need is the URL of your feed.

Have a look at what other sites do (look out for those orange RSS or XML buttons). They usually just have a link on that button, so that you can right-click it to copy and paste the feed URL.

bye, Dirk


add the following code to your HEAD of your page.

Text Formatted Code
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="http://www.geeklogsite.ca/backend/myfeed.rss" />

this way...browsers such as firefox will allow someone to easily add your feed.


sorry...didnt have that as code before.

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I was about to suggest the same thing, but he specifically asked for a way so that others could put his feed on their web site ...

bye, Dirk

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Dirk, drali, I really appreciate the info...I wasn't familiar enuf with RSS to ask the question properly, which was, how do I display someone's RSS feed? How does someone else display mine? Your answers got me there, I won't be back to my development machine for a day or two, so I'll experiment then.

Dirk, a year or two back, I was on another non-GL site that had a side-block about "how to add our RSS feed to your site", and they displayed a text block or something like that with the actual HTML, which I cut-n-pasted to my first test version of a GL site. (I don't have that code anymore.)

drali your example truly made everything clear about how an RSS feed is displayed, Dirk your right-click instructions tells me how people normally post their own feed or grab a feed from someone else.

Thanks, all, this was exactly what I needed!


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