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Easiest way for a wiki-like text area?

Matt S.

I would like to have a static page, or an area within a static page, that is freely editable, sort of like a wiki. I don't need fanciness like auto-hyperlinking, or even formatting... just a text scratch pad that visitors can post updates to.

That's the bare minumum of course, more features are always better. Smile

I guess the easiest way to accomplish this is to google up a PHP script and embed it in my static page, but before I start digging I wanted to know if anyone had already tackled this.

FYI, I want to do this as a way for locals in my area to maintain a catalog of playable arcade games--in case you know of any other tools which might be good for this. I am checking out the MultiFAQ plugin now, that might do the trick...


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
There's also an integration available for ewiki (search the forums for "ewiki").

bye, Dirk

Matt S.

Dirk, I noticed the eWiki project but at least the site I found made it look like the project was stale.

I just tried multifaq and it seems decent, except there is some kind of weird bug where it isn't saving the text when I edit a Q&A entry. Gonna start another thread on that.


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