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modifying article footers on index.php

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I hope I haven't missed something silly, but I've really looked thru the code and haven't answered my question.

My site is for news articles, mostly, and I'm making careful use of the Intro Text vs the Body Text fields. Almost every article I post has lots more in the body text.

But my visitors aren't usually very sophisticated, they're not realizing that "read more" brings up more of my article and almost always some external links.

So I want to add something like "view full article: " in plain text in front of the "read more" link.

Where can I find the code that produces the "read more" link? I've been thru articles.php and have ID'd the area of code that procudes this, but it appears it's in called functions and I'm at a loss...

Any hints or direct instructions would be much appreciated!

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Two quick ways to do this.

One: Just translate the read more into view full article in the language file which is english.php for you.

Just pay attention to the quotes.

Text Formatted Code

$LANG01 = array(
    1 => 'Contributed by:',
    2 => 'read more',


Option 2.

Change the template.

You will find this in featuredstorytext.thtml, storytext.thtml and archivetorytext.thtml

Just look for

Text Formatted Code
<tr><td align="center">{edit_link}<br>
                                                          {readmore_link} {start_comments_anchortag}{comments_text}{end_comments_anchortag}<br>

and add your text before readmore_link

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Quote by tstockma: Where can I find the code that produces the "read more" link?


bye, Dirk

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Thanks, everyone, this gives me all kinds of places to explore, and I'll get right on it!


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Interesting--Boris, I tried your solution in the .thtml files first, as it looked simpler than working on the php--seemed to work like a champ!

Until I viewed the full article, and the text also showed up there.

But I got to learn more! I'm learning more all the time...

Dirk, this was of course simply inserting a few words into a single line in the lib-story.php file.

Thanks to both of you! It now looks & works terrific.

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Doh! - that was a mistake correct that thtml is called by both and dynamicly generated.

Changing the language should work also as $LANG01[2] is only called in lib-story.php and that way you don´t need to modify lib-story.php, unless I am mistaken here too Mr. Green
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My perception--tell me if I'm wrong!--is that the entry in the language file "read more" is exactly what gets turned into the link text.

What I wanted & ended up with is this:

Full article & links: read more

Where only "read more" remained the link. I'm hoping I can train my user base into realizing a "read more" link means there's more to the article they haven't seen.

Have I got it right? Good suggestion...I probably should've just changed "read more" into "full article and links"...

Thanks again for all the help! It's an amazing learning process. --Tom

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