Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 01:17 am EST

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Determining a user's ID and group membership through a static page


I've got a (hopefully) quick question:

I'm using the MacIG plugin to allow a user to assign itself to a number of groups. Now, I'd like to make a static page which displays an editable text field for each group that the user is assigned to.

How would I go about determining what the user's ID and group membership is on the static page are so I can generate this edit page in php?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by Don: How would I go about determining what the user's ID and group membership is on the static page are so I can generate this edit page in php?

The current user's uid is always available from the global variable $_USER['uid'] (although it may be empty for anonymous users).

Another global variable, $_GROUPS, holds an array of all the groups the current user is in.

Also see system/lib-security.php for a collection of handy functions for working with group membership and permissions.

bye, Dirk

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