Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 09:51 pm EST

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filemgmt Plugin Config



I am in the process of moving my server to a new machine and have spent the last week tinkering and tuning some fine details. The one problem I have is with the filemgmt plugin. When I try to upload a 4MB wav file, I now get

Error Code: 1017
ERROR: The file was not uploaded. Check permissions or duplicate file.

sometimes i get

Error Code: 1102
ERROR: Upload submit Error: The temporary filestore file was not created. Check error.log

The error.log entries for the two above are:

Tue Feb 22 19:38:01 2005 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syn tax to use near '' at line 1 SQL in question: SELECT username,fullname,regdate,homepage,about,pgpkey,photo FROM gl_userinfo,gl_users WHERE gl_userinfo. uid = gl_users.uid AND gl_users.uid =

Tue Feb 22 20:49:16 2005 - Filemgmt submit error: Temporary file could not be created: /tmp/phpMZXN7B to /www/filemgmt/filemgmt_data/files/tmp/QDEWJF9N Af

The file in question has been chmod'ed (I use that as a verb now) to 777. The Public HTML is owned by apache (httpd runs as apache:apache) and the filemgmt directory is now dangerously chmod'ed to 777 as well. It looks like there is a temp file needed on /tmp and that has 777 perms as well. Still ain't working.

I can see the filemgmt tables and contents in phpmyadmin, so the tables and data appear to be functional. I still have filemgmt admin privs in GL as well. Mysql is version 4.1.9, PHP is version 4.3.8 (upload and globals are ON in php.ini as specified in FAQ) and GL is 1.3.7.

Any clues as to what is going on or a fix?

I suppose one way is to remove the filemgmt dir, drop the filemgmt tables and reinstall from scratch, but I would like to scratch the seedy underbelly a bit more and maybe learn a bit in the process.


rob [atT} orgdotslash (ddot| com




It appears I can now upload smaller files, it is just this 4MB file that is hanging. Is there a size limit thing going on?


My php.ini file has

upload_max_filesize =2M, thus making a 4M file a bit difficult to deal with and is thus changed. I was grepping the plugin files for a max size but the php.ini file is the only place I see to do that. I will restart httpd and do some more testing.


Yup, fixing the php.ini file did it. Maybe this log will help someone in the future searching for some problem similar. I will now go re-chmod my directories to something a little bit more logical than 777 and see what breaks;-)

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