Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 09:27 pm EDT

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Help File Creation

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Well, drat, I'm perhaps once again just missing something in the docs...I've searched quite a bit for how help files work, through docs and forums...

I now get it they go in the [public_html]/help directory and are a full HTML doc, albeit simple, pretty minimum HTML needed containing the text you want, and that (though some don't like it) it's a pop-up (which can be changed).

Is there anything built into GL to produce a new one, or is standard practice just to clone a new one when needed from one of the GL-included files? Thanks for any info...

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Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but the Help file on our "Library Catalog" block just links to a regular site article. I could have also just done a static page, but the article was already there. Wink Saved time that way.


Too many hands on my time.

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r f o t --that's not bad! I may end up going that way, I have a "site news" article category, I could create a "site help" cat as well. I'll play with some ideas if I go your route, which has simplicity going for it.

More likely I'll start with just cloning a current helpfile, just to see what I get. I know pop-ups are not liked by some because of the issue of users maintaining control over their browsers instead of sites taking over...my problem is my users aren't typically sophisticated enough to even understand what that means.

So first I guess I'll play with cloning one of the pre-loaded [public_html]/help files, just to see what I get. If I like it's feel, I could even have an "overall help" file that links all specific blocks' help file, and with some work set up a series of files that make it intuitively easy for my unsophisticated users.

I don't see an emoticon signifying some intriguing and heavy thinking going on...I want one of a smiley in deep study, hand on chin, arm resting on knee...to get comical, a toilet underneath..."The Thinker".

Hmm...each specific block help page file could have links to "prev" and "next" for blocks, and "up" to the "overall help".

Thanks again for the post, r f o t, that gives me a real good and easy alternative to this overly ambitious plan (I have a way out when it turns ugly), and spurs me into some valuable thinking--


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