Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, October 18 2024 @ 06:21 am EDT

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Locate php.ini


Using http://www.whatever.com/admin/install/install.php to build database tables, I'm given:
Warning: You have register_globals = Off in your php.ini. However, Geeklog requires register_globals to be on. Before you continue, please set it to on and restart your web server.
But where is the php.ini file? I can't find it.

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Direct your browser to /admin/install/info.php - use your browser search function to find php.ini.

-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams


That worked. Thanks destr0yr
Now I have the problem Confused

An SQL error has occured. Please see error.log for details.
On my site.

On trying to build tables I get,

1142: create command denied to user: 'fjryani_one@' for table 'gl_access'

The error log looks like this,

1146: Table 'fjryani_tro.gl_plugins' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT pi_name FROM gl_plugins WHERE pi_enabled = 1

Could I just disable plugins? How would that limit my site and how is it done?

Any ideas....?

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The error message says it all: You MySQL user does not have the permissions to create tables in your database. Refer to the MySQL manual (or ask your hosting service for help, if you use one).

bye, Dirk


Thanks Dirk,
That worked perfectly........

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