Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, September 19 2024 @ 12:39 pm EDT

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Login Problems


I have a Gentoo, apache webserver which hosts my Geeklog site.

Due to my IP address not being static I have therefore set up an account with 'dyndns' to help overcome this.

I also have purchased a domain name which I have set to forward to my dyndns address using a method none as framed forwarding (i think thats right?). This enables the domain name to appear in the address bar instead of the dyndns name.

Since having done this I am unable to log in with any user whilst using Internet Explorer. After entering in username/password and clicking 'login' you are then brought back to the same welcome page.

If i set overide settings to allow all cookies in all instances through the Internet Explorer settings then this solves the problem.

Strange thing is if I use firefox I can log in fine without changing any settings.

Has anybody had this same problem? Is is cookie (session) related?

Hope sombody can help.


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You'll have to use the "real" domain where your site is hosted, i.e. the dyndns name in your case. Frame redirects won't help.

As for the domain name in the cookie: If you don't set set $_CONF['cookiedomain'] and your $_CONF['site_url'] is http://www.example.com, then Geeklog will automatically set the cookie to .example.com (with the leading dot). This is sort of a "wildcard" syntax and will match all subdomains (www.example.com, mysite.example.com, etc.).

The extra dot in your case won't hurt, but if you don't want it there, simply set $_CONF['cookiedomain'] accordingly.

bye, Dirk

[edit: Whoops, confused your post with one from over here. Oh well, explaining how cookies work can't hurt, so I'll leave it as it is ...]


If i scrap the frame re-direct thing and do as you said to set both $_CONF['cookiedomain'] and $_CONF['site_url'] to my dyndns address (leading with the dot) then this should be problem solved?

The leading dot thing i have to say does confuse me.....thats not a difficult thing to do mind you.


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I'd set $_CONF['site_url'] to your dyndns domain name and leave $_CONF['cookiedomain'] as it is (i.e. empty). That should work.

And sorry about that leading dot thing - it was really meant for a post in another thread ...

bye, Dirk


Thanks for your help Dirk.

I only hope one day I will be in a position to give sombody help in the same way you have helped me.


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