Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, September 16 2024 @ 03:07 pm EDT

Geeklog Forums

Displaying an image in a staticpage centerblock


I want to do something like below, where html within a staticpage has access to the site url. Is this even possible?

global $_CONF;
. '/image.jpg">


Okay okay. I will register. Embarassed


So sorry to be such a pita, but before I register I just want to make sure I am clear.

I have a staticpage centerblock with an html image tag. Rather than put in the full path every time I use the staticpage in a site, I just want to pass $_CONF['site_url'] to the html.

Something like this:
Text Formatted Code
global $_CONF;
<img border = "0" src=' . <?' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '?> . '/image.jpg">


Can it be done?


Nevermind. Really simple. Just do the whole thing in php.

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