Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 12:28 am EST
Geeklog Forums
deletin stuff
how do i dlete the message that says:
Welcome to Geeklog!
Thursday, January 01 2004 @ 09:30 AM PST
Contributed by: z3rb
Views: 100
Welcome and let me be the first to congratulate you on installing GeekLog. Please take the time to read everything in the docs directory. Geeklog now has enhanced, user-based security. You should thoroughly understand how these work before you run a production Geeklog Site.
Below are a list of usernames that have access to a specific portion of the site. While Admin has access to everything, Moderator only has access to the areas related to stories, links, and events. The password for each account is password.
Welcome to Geeklog!
Thursday, January 01 2004 @ 09:30 AM PST
Contributed by: z3rb
Views: 100
Welcome and let me be the first to congratulate you on installing GeekLog. Please take the time to read everything in the docs directory. Geeklog now has enhanced, user-based security. You should thoroughly understand how these work before you run a production Geeklog Site.
Below are a list of usernames that have access to a specific portion of the site. While Admin has access to everything, Moderator only has access to the areas related to stories, links, and events. The password for each account is password.
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Registered: 11/06/02
Posts: 523
Or log in as admin and click edit ???
you really should try to look around to answer questions like this on your own.
you really should try to look around to answer questions like this on your own.
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