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logoLinks Plugin

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I just tried out the logoLinks plugin. I'm missing two template files: notitleheader.thtml and notitlefooter.thtml. I installed the plugin on a standard Geeklog 1.3.11 install with the Professional theme.

Were these supposed to be included in the download and were mistakenly omitted?

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yes, that was my mistake... they were custom for the block in a theme i was working on. sorry.
just remove/comment the line 301ish in functions.inc

I thought I had done that already, but whoops.

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Thanks machinari,

I commented the line, and all works fine now.

Your plugin should do nicely for ads, and I'm going to try including a click tracker javascript for each link. Once I figure it out, I'll post the hack in the appropriate forum.

Thanks again.


I'm having trouble installing the logolinks plugin - I'm getting the following error:

Mon 12 Jun 2006 08:37:58 CDT - Inserting default data into randomLogoBlock table
Mon 12 Jun 2006 08:37:58 CDT - 1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1. SQL in question:
Mon 12 Jun 2006 08:37:58 CDT - Error inserting default data into randomLogoBlock table

any help would be appreciated

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Quote by Marcia: I'm having trouble installing the logolinks plugin - I'm getting the following error:

Mon 12 Jun 2006 08:37:58 CDT - Inserting default data into randomLogoBlock table
Mon 12 Jun 2006 08:37:58 CDT - 1136: Column count doesn't match value count at row 1. SQL in question:
Mon 12 Jun 2006 08:37:58 CDT - Error inserting default data into randomLogoBlock table

any help would be appreciated

sorry but can someone help me with this?


the official version hasn't been modified to install in GL 1.4x yet.
I'll be back in a few days.

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Casper was kind enough to package a version of the logolinks plugin that will install in GL 1.4x. It should solve your problem. Find it here.

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thank you - I think I may have done something wrong though because I'm getting the following error

Warning: getimagesize(/home/steevesm/public_html/site/images/logos/logo_1.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/steevesm/public_html/site/plugins/logos/functions.inc on line 324
Warning: getimagesize(/home/steevesm/public_html/site/images/logos/logo_1.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/steevesm/public_html/site/logos/index.php on line 47

any ideas?

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Seems to me that you've edited your config.php. Either way, the function is not able to find an image at the location mentioned in the error. Ensure that the image is actually there.

By default your image path is as follows (check your config.php):
Text Formatted Code
//default paths
$LG_CONF['img_path']           = 'logos/images/';  //chmod 775, is appended to $_CONF['path_html']
$LG_CONF['img_url']            = '/logos/images';// is appended to $_CONF['site_url']

There is really no need to edit those paths.

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Thanks it seems that "logos" and "images" are backwards in the update by casper - everything seems to work fine now. Smile

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sorry to ask another question - still learning here....

if I wanted to add text like "our sponsors" to the logo links page of to the logo block on the main page - how would I do that?

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Use Geeklog's block editor to change the name of the logolinks block.

...and to change or remove the heading on the logolinks main index page look for $LANG_LG['indextitle'] in the logolinks language file, english.php, and edit accordingly. Last time I looked it was around line 65.
If you want to add text below that heading, but above the logos, then you'll have to edit the template file, index.thtml, which can be found in geeklog/plugins/logos/templates/.


I just installed Logolinks and it was working - I disabled it to try and figure out how to ad the logos or images that I want it to display. The best I could figure at that point would be to add images into the images directory, so I did that (I deleted the images it came with), then I tried to turn it back on, and nothing...................It's enabled in both blocks and plugins and still nada........I'm confused.


Nevermind the last post ----- I figured it out...sorry! Oops!

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