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RSS by Author
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Registered: 01/28/04
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Location:United States
Okay this isn't really a "plugin", but it's more than a hack. Using some of the users.php code and bits from here and there (and some stuff I had to figure out myself), I have come up with a single file php script that generates (in realtime) a RSS 2.0 xml file for the Author specified.
Here is the code:
// rss.php
// May 11, 2005 Rick Westmoreland
// Code borrowed from (geeklog):
// $Id: users.php,v 1.93 2004/10/23 10:23:01 dhaun Exp $
// Original code by:
// @author Tony Bibbs <tony AT tonybibbs DOT com>
// @author Mark Limburg <mlimburg AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net>
// @author Jason Whittenburg
require_once ('lib-common.php');
function userarticles ($user)
global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER;
$result = DB_query("SELECT username,fullname FROM {$_TABLES['userinfo']},{$_TABLES["users"]} WHERE {$_TABLES['userinfo']}.uid = {$_TABLES['users']}.uid AND {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = $user");
$nrows = DB_numRows($result);
if ($nrows == 0) { // no such user
return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/');
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
header ("Content-Type: application/xml");
$displayRSS = '';
// change this for number of articles
$limit = '15';
$displayRSS .= '<rss version="2.0">
$displayRSS .= ' <channel>
$result = DB_query ("SELECT tid FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}"
. COM_getPermSQL ());
$nrows = DB_numRows ($result);
$tids = array ();
for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
$T = DB_fetchArray ($result);
$tids[] = $T['tid'];
$topics = "'" . implode ("','", $tids) . "'";
// list of last 10 stories by this user (RSS)
if (sizeof ($tids) > 0) {
$sql = "SELECT sid,tid,title,introtext,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (uid = $user) AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) AND (tid IN ($topics))" . COM_getPermSQL ('AND');
$sql .= " ORDER BY unixdate DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
$result = DB_query($sql);
$nrows = DB_numRows($result);
} else {
$nrows = 0;
$displayRSS .= ' <title>' . $_CONF['site_name'] . ' Articles by ' . $A['fullname'] . '</title>
$displayRSS .= ' <link>' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '</link>
$displayRSS .= ' <description>Last ' . $nrows . ' Articles written by ' . $A['fullname'] . '</description>
$displayRSS .= ' <language>' . $_CONF['rdf_language'] . '</language>
$displayRSS .= ' <generator>Geeklog Author RSS Script</generator>
if ($nrows > 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) {
$C = DB_fetchArray($result);
$displayRSS .= ' <item>
$C['title'] = str_replace ('$', '$', $C['title']);
$displayRSS .= ' <title>' . stripslashes($C['title']) . '</title>
$articleUrl = COM_buildUrl ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $C['sid']);
$displayRSS .= ' <link>' . $articleUrl . '</link>
$introtext = stripslashes($C['introtext']);
$introtext = trim($introtext);
$introtext = preg_replace('/(\015)/', '', $introtext);
$breaks = array('<br>', '<br/>', '', '</p>');
$introtext = str_replace($breaks, ' ', $introtext);
$introtext = strip_tags($introtext);
$introtext = htmlspecialchars($introtext, ENT_QUOTES);
$displayRSS .= ' <description>' . $introtext . '</description>
$displayRSS .= ' <category>' . $C['tid'] . '</category>
$datetime = date(r, $C['unixdate']);
$displayRSS .= ' <pubDate>' . $datetime . '</pubDate>
$displayRSS .= ' <guid isPermaLink="false">' . $C['sid'] . '</guid>
$displayRSS .= ' <comments>' . $articleUrl . '#comments</comments>
$displayRSS .= ' </item>
$displayRSS .= ' </channel>
$displayRSS .= '</rss>
return $displayRSS;
$display = '';
$uid = COM_applyFilter ($HTTP_GET_VARS['uid'], true);
if (is_numeric ($uid) && ($uid > 0)) {
$display .= userarticles ($uid);
} else {
$display .= COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/');
echo $display;
Here is an example of the coding running:
What I have also done, is add a link to the author-specific rss in the users/profile template:
<a href="{site_url}/rss.php?uid={user_id}">RSS Feed for {username}</a>
I tried to keep it as site-independent as possible so you guys/gals could use it too.
Here is the code:
Text Formatted Code
// rss.php
// May 11, 2005 Rick Westmoreland
// Code borrowed from (geeklog):
// $Id: users.php,v 1.93 2004/10/23 10:23:01 dhaun Exp $
// Original code by:
// @author Tony Bibbs <tony AT tonybibbs DOT com>
// @author Mark Limburg <mlimburg AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net>
// @author Jason Whittenburg
require_once ('lib-common.php');
function userarticles ($user)
global $_CONF, $_TABLES, $_USER;
$result = DB_query("SELECT username,fullname FROM {$_TABLES['userinfo']},{$_TABLES["users"]} WHERE {$_TABLES['userinfo']}.uid = {$_TABLES['users']}.uid AND {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = $user");
$nrows = DB_numRows($result);
if ($nrows == 0) { // no such user
return COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/');
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
header ("Content-Type: application/xml");
$displayRSS = '';
// change this for number of articles
$limit = '15';
$displayRSS .= '<rss version="2.0">
$displayRSS .= ' <channel>
$result = DB_query ("SELECT tid FROM {$_TABLES['topics']}"
. COM_getPermSQL ());
$nrows = DB_numRows ($result);
$tids = array ();
for ($i = 0; $i < $nrows; $i++) {
$T = DB_fetchArray ($result);
$tids[] = $T['tid'];
$topics = "'" . implode ("','", $tids) . "'";
// list of last 10 stories by this user (RSS)
if (sizeof ($tids) > 0) {
$sql = "SELECT sid,tid,title,introtext,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS unixdate FROM {$_TABLES['stories']} WHERE (uid = $user) AND (draft_flag = 0) AND (date <= NOW()) AND (tid IN ($topics))" . COM_getPermSQL ('AND');
$sql .= " ORDER BY unixdate DESC LIMIT " . $limit;
$result = DB_query($sql);
$nrows = DB_numRows($result);
} else {
$nrows = 0;
$displayRSS .= ' <title>' . $_CONF['site_name'] . ' Articles by ' . $A['fullname'] . '</title>
$displayRSS .= ' <link>' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '</link>
$displayRSS .= ' <description>Last ' . $nrows . ' Articles written by ' . $A['fullname'] . '</description>
$displayRSS .= ' <language>' . $_CONF['rdf_language'] . '</language>
$displayRSS .= ' <generator>Geeklog Author RSS Script</generator>
if ($nrows > 0) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $nrows; $i++) {
$C = DB_fetchArray($result);
$displayRSS .= ' <item>
$C['title'] = str_replace ('$', '$', $C['title']);
$displayRSS .= ' <title>' . stripslashes($C['title']) . '</title>
$articleUrl = COM_buildUrl ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/article.php?story=' . $C['sid']);
$displayRSS .= ' <link>' . $articleUrl . '</link>
$introtext = stripslashes($C['introtext']);
$introtext = trim($introtext);
$introtext = preg_replace('/(\015)/', '', $introtext);
$breaks = array('<br>', '<br/>', '', '</p>');
$introtext = str_replace($breaks, ' ', $introtext);
$introtext = strip_tags($introtext);
$introtext = htmlspecialchars($introtext, ENT_QUOTES);
$displayRSS .= ' <description>' . $introtext . '</description>
$displayRSS .= ' <category>' . $C['tid'] . '</category>
$datetime = date(r, $C['unixdate']);
$displayRSS .= ' <pubDate>' . $datetime . '</pubDate>
$displayRSS .= ' <guid isPermaLink="false">' . $C['sid'] . '</guid>
$displayRSS .= ' <comments>' . $articleUrl . '#comments</comments>
$displayRSS .= ' </item>
$displayRSS .= ' </channel>
$displayRSS .= '</rss>
return $displayRSS;
$display = '';
$uid = COM_applyFilter ($HTTP_GET_VARS['uid'], true);
if (is_numeric ($uid) && ($uid > 0)) {
$display .= userarticles ($uid);
} else {
$display .= COM_refresh ($_CONF['site_url'] . '/');
echo $display;
Here is an example of the coding running:
What I have also done, is add a link to the author-specific rss in the users/profile template:
Text Formatted Code
<a href="{site_url}/rss.php?uid={user_id}">RSS Feed for {username}</a>
I tried to keep it as site-independent as possible so you guys/gals could use it too.
Status: offline
Forum User
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Registered: 05/27/03
Posts: 612
Very nice, I changed your profile code a bit though to this.
<td align="right"><b>RSS Feed for {username}:</b></td>
<td><a href="{site_url}/rss.php?uid={user_id}"><img src="{site_url}/images/xmlicon.gif" border=0></a></td>
Of course you'll have to download the XML Icon if you don't already have it.
Text Formatted Code
<tr valign="top"><td align="right"><b>RSS Feed for {username}:</b></td>
<td><a href="{site_url}/rss.php?uid={user_id}"><img src="{site_url}/images/xmlicon.gif" border=0></a></td>
Of course you'll have to download the XML Icon if you don't already have it.
Status: offline
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Registered: 05/27/03
Posts: 612
I ran across a bug.
An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource 'http://www.nc-emt.com/rss.php?uid=2'. Line 38, ...
take a look
An invalid character was found in text content. Error processing resource 'http://www.nc-emt.com/rss.php?uid=2'. Line 38, ...
take a look
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Registered: 01/28/04
Posts: 240
Location:United States
Oops, forgot to mention...
The feed I'm generating is RSS version 2.0, which the specifications explain needs to have a character encoding of UTF-8. I ran into the same problem when testing it out myself. Geeklog (and I think php) by default uses a character encoding of ISO-8859-1, so when you write your articles it's possible to save non-conventional characters into the database. There are two ways around this - you can either set your character encoding to UTF-8 in geeklog, and replace those unrecognized characters (in my case someone had contributed an article that used a different kind of apostrophe), or you can declare a different character encoding in the feed:
header ("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=iso-8859-1");
Although the feed still validates, it isn't recommended because some readers might not recognize the character encoding.
I tried to use iconv to convert the default character encoding to UTF-8 and just transliterate the unrecognized characters, but my host does not have the iconv module installed.
The feed I'm generating is RSS version 2.0, which the specifications explain needs to have a character encoding of UTF-8. I ran into the same problem when testing it out myself. Geeklog (and I think php) by default uses a character encoding of ISO-8859-1, so when you write your articles it's possible to save non-conventional characters into the database. There are two ways around this - you can either set your character encoding to UTF-8 in geeklog, and replace those unrecognized characters (in my case someone had contributed an article that used a different kind of apostrophe), or you can declare a different character encoding in the feed:
Text Formatted Code
header ("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=iso-8859-1");
Although the feed still validates, it isn't recommended because some readers might not recognize the character encoding.
I tried to use iconv to convert the default character encoding to UTF-8 and just transliterate the unrecognized characters, but my host does not have the iconv module installed.
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