Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, December 26 2024 @ 10:14 pm EST
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Path statements rather difficult to establish
I tried to place the html into site folder called
I then tried to place the other content and config file into a higher folder outside of the httpdocs having failed in that then I created a folder called gl at the same level as News as shown above
I had to set the chmod to 777
this is now the erros that remains.
Template Error: set_root: /home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/gl//home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/News/layout/professional is not a directory.
error.log >>
Mon Jun 6 22:58:13 2005 - 1146: Table 'geek2010.gl_plugins' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT pi_name FROM gl_plugins WHERE pi_enabled = 1
I then tried to place the other content and config file into a higher folder outside of the httpdocs having failed in that then I created a folder called gl at the same level as News as shown above
I had to set the chmod to 777
this is now the erros that remains.
Template Error: set_root: /home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/gl//home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/News/layout/professional is not a directory.
error.log >>
Mon Jun 6 22:58:13 2005 - 1146: Table 'geek2010.gl_plugins' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT pi_name FROM gl_plugins WHERE pi_enabled = 1
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I'm guessing that this:
is your www folder.
Usually you would copy there the content of Geeklog's public_html directory. However you can't do that because you already have a site installed there.
So make a dir inside /home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/ e.g. gl
Copy there everything from GL distribution including the content of public_html dir.
In this case your $_CONF['path'] would be /home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/gl/
Your $_CONF['path_html'] would be = $_CONF['path'].
Your $_CONF['site_url'] would be = http://www.teamamber.com/gl
Later on you would probably move the config.php, system dir etc elsewhere (read safer) but for the time being practice how it works.
Geeklog Polish Support Team
is your www folder.
Usually you would copy there the content of Geeklog's public_html directory. However you can't do that because you already have a site installed there.
So make a dir inside /home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/ e.g. gl
Copy there everything from GL distribution including the content of public_html dir.
In this case your $_CONF['path'] would be /home/httpd/vhosts/teamamber.com/httpdocs/gl/
Your $_CONF['path_html'] would be = $_CONF['path'].
Your $_CONF['site_url'] would be = http://www.teamamber.com/gl
Later on you would probably move the config.php, system dir etc elsewhere (read safer) but for the time being practice how it works.
Geeklog Polish Support Team
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Maybe that FAQ entry can help: Installing Geeklog entirely within the web root
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Registered: 06/28/05
Posts: 3
The correct link would be http://www.geeklog.net/faqman/index.php?op=view&t=56
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