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Intranet address question

Teddy Ruxpin

My gl server is going to be inside on an internal net before moving out into the DMZ. My question is what name would I put in the site settings URL so I can configure it to work properly. The name of the server is: server1 so all I have in there right now is = 'http://server1'; But for some reason I cannot log into it with the name admin and the default password. Cookies are enabled on the IE and FF. So I am thinking that there a URL issue. Also if I were to go to http://server1 I get a list of the directory instead automatically getting the index.php page. In order to do that I have to type http://server1/index.php Does anyone have any idea what the issue may be?


server type?

Teddy Ruxpin


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in your httd.conf do you have index.php in the search pattern for DirectoryIndex.

ex. DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
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Teddy Ruxpin

Good call on the httpd.conf file..I had a typo in there and that solved the home page issue.

I still cannot log into the admin page in GL though. Iv'e scoured the FAQ, enabled cookies, cleared the cookies, shut off any firewalls or AV programs to no avail.

I am so close.....anyone?

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do you get any quick errors that flash up when you try to log in? Make sure there is no white space after the ending "?>" in lib-common.php or config.php
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