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Installed PHPBB but cant get plugin to install

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I got the BB working and now I need to install the bridge plug in. I go to the plug in page and click install and get a blank page. Nothing. Any ideas? I scoured the FAQ's and forums and found a few things that I tested but no luck. I did restart Apache. I did check the config file to make sure the settings were right.

Anyone got any ideas?




Me too, have open questions on the dev site.


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register_globals = On?


Quote by domokun: I got the BB working and now I need to install the bridge plug in.

I don't understand that statement... When you install the PhpBBBridge, it includes phpBB, which all gets installed together at the same time.


Turias- Yes

RickW- What I mean is I installed it fine and can access the BB with no issues but when I go to the PLUGIN section to add the plugin phpbbbridge which shows at the bottom it won't let me. Just goes to a blank page and never installs.


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Try increasing your PHP warning levels. That might be why you are getting a blank page instead of an error.


Where would I make that modification? php.ini ?and what's the line going to look like?


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take a look at display_errors and error_reporting

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Ok I just tried it and when I try to install the bridge plugin I get this error

Text Formatted Code
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare com_getblocktemplate() (previously declared in F:\websites\police-network.com\lib-common.php:396) in f:\websites\police-network.com\lib-common.php on line 396

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Changed my search and found this


Not sure I know what to do to fix it according to the replies just yet.

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I still can't seem to nail this down. A little help!!!

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I checked all my paths and the case's are all the same. The link also says it seems to be fix in PHP5?? I am running 5 and it is not functioning.


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Try my proposed fix in this thread:


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Never say die!!!

I got this figured out. Whew what an ordeal and this may help others I hope.

If you get to the place during the install of the phpbbbridge plugin which says
Text Formatted Code

If your browser does not support meta redirection please click HERE to be redirected  

Then just does a continuous redirect loop, the problem (which was identifed before in the documentation but never really explains it) is that the Session for Geeklog and the Session for phpbb do not match. So here is my solution.

1. Delete the cookies for your domain there may be two one for domain.com and one for www.domain.com

2. In mysql - delete the sessions data for gl_sessions. (you can delete all it doesn't matter)

3. in mysql - delete the session data for phpbb_sessions.

This will place all cookies and sessions ready to accept new data. I don't know if this ever will get confused again. I would suggest that either phpbb use the gl_session or geeklog use the phpbb_session to aviod the possibility of someones sessions getting confused in the future.

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Ok I thoiught this was the fix but it's not completely fixed.


Seems if I set my profile to (Don't Remember) It works fine having to log on each time. If I set my profile to anything else 1 hour - 1 month it gets confused and goes to the redirect loop. I have to delete the cookie in order to get back on the site.

What is going on?????

How do I fix this?

Banging your head

Am I the only one suffering this problem. I'm sure it's a cookie/session confusion problem but I don't know how to track it down.

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