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Change the top menu

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Registered: 06/08/05
Posts: 8
If I want to change the word "contribute" at top menu to something else like "submit a story" which file do I edit

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Registered: 06/19/05
Posts: 10
im sorry i cannot help, however i would like to delete the statistics menu from the header. i want to hide it from view. do i go into the cpanel or under admin of the site? Its a deal - shaking hands

any help would be appreciated

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Quote by btkhoo: If I want to change the word "contribute" at top menu to something else like "submit a story" which file do I edit

Try the FAQ Where can I change the text ...?.

Quote by ourangel:i would like to delete the statistics menu from the header. i want to hide it from view.

In your config.php, look around line 199 for $_CONF['menu_elements'] = array and comment out stats. And check out the FAQ How do I change the menu?


Too many hands on my time.

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Registered: 06/19/05
Posts: 10
im new to this. how do i get to the config.php

Can someone help me


Quote by r_f_o_t:
Quote by btkhoo: If I want to change the word "contribute" at top menu to something else like "submit a story" which file do I edit

Try the FAQ Where can I change the text ...?.

Quote by ourangel:i would like to delete the statistics menu from the header. i want to hide it from view.



No this does not work for Smooth_Blue theme. You have to go into the header.thtml file and edit the html table which has Site Stats.

Then I wanted to change the "Homepage" in the same header, but this has a different special format (Why aren't I surprised!). Here it is:
a href="{site_url}/submit.php?type=story{current_topic}">{button_contribute}

What do I do to change this?

In your config.php, look around line 199 for $_CONF['menu_elements'] = array and comment out stats. And check out the FAQ How do I change the menu?

Geeklog is certainly living up to its name...

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Quote by ourangel: im new to this. how do i get to the config.php

Can someone help me

That depends on how your site is hosted.
Cpanel with file manager
FTP the file
login using a shell and VI the file.

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