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Poll bar colors

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Registered: 06/12/05
Posts: 37
I have to be missing something here regarding the bars for the poll results. I read the theme instructions (8 times to be exact) and can't figure it out for the life of me how to get each answer to show a different bar color. I have a 10 answer poll so I made 10 different color bars: bar1.gif, bar2.gif...etc... and put them into the my templates pics directory. Then I modifed the pollvotes_bar.html theme to reflect this but it doesen't work.

Here's the code from that template..How would I modify this to do what I want to do??

Text Formatted Code
  <td align="right"><b>{answer_text}</b></td>
  <td><img src="{layout_url}/images/bar.gif" width="{bar_width}" height="10" align="bottom" alt=""> {answer_num} ({answer_percent}%)</td>


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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
If you want alternating colors, name the bars, say, bar0.gif and bar1.gif and use


in the template file. If you want different colors for every answer, call them bar1.gif, bar2.gif, etc. and use


in the template file. In that case, you have to make sure that you have one GIF for every answer provided.

bye, Dirk


worked perfectly...thankyou vm

Paul Norton

Worked a treat . Thank you. Big Celebration

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