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putting image in front of title

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Registered: 06/09/05
Posts: 9
OK then. When I add a thumbnail image at the beginning of a story intro text (using [image1_left]) it puts it after the title and in front of the text. Is there a way of getting GL to put the image in front of the title and have the title and intro text to the right of the pic?
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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Hmm, tricky. The image is really part of the {intro_text} - you can't address it otherwise.

Maybe with some sort of CSS trickery? Enclose the [image] with a div and try to position that div then (just thinking out loud - no idea if this would really work).

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 06/09/05
Posts: 9
Ahh, tricky eh? Any further ideas? How about finding the place where the image becomes part of the {intro_text} and just not making it happen - keeping it as a separate entity? Or am I oversimplifying a rather complicated section of the code?
Clunk! Thud! Clank!

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I was trying to point out a way to do this without code changes ...

The code you're looking for is in admin/story.php. Happy hacking.

bye, Dirk

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