Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, November 30 2024 @ 10:29 pm EST

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re-arranging blocks

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Registered: 07/08/05
Posts: 1
ok, slightly complicated quetsion here, i hope i make sense...

basically i want to re-arange how blocks are displayed horizontally acorss the page so that there the ordinary left hand column with a login and topics block, but then in the middle is a welcome message and forum block and on the right hand side the normal centre block with stories. id then want the new right hand block to load all the stories after the read more link and the forums; basically the main part of the site....how would i go about doing this (ive used phpnuke before but not geeklog and no idea where to start..)

whilst im on this topic is there any way that I could have a google news block as displayed on www.evado.net in the centre? or well, anywhere....

thanks very much for you help!

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The placement of the left and rights side blocks are pretty much determined by the theme's template files (leftblocks.thtml, rightblocks.thtml, which are pulled in at the end of header.thtml and the beginning of footer.thtml, respectively). So you could probably do something there by rearranging table rows and columns.

The standard middle section (stories and center blocks), however, is produced by index.php. To make any significant changes there, you would have to hack that file.

I assume you already found the theme documentation?


bye, Dirk

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