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phpbbridge Question

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Registered: 06/12/05
Posts: 37
I have the bridge in and the forum works great. With the integration of the forum into GL it keeps my left side blocks there. Where can I go to modify it so there are no left or right side blocks and just the forum? I can't seem to find the place after much searching.



Banging your head

hey there... i too am having problems with my install... this is a fresh install of geeklog and phpbbbridge... i followed the readme step by step... the db installed without error and the files are in the right locations... i navigate to the the plugin install page and when i click install nothing happens... i think i am close what could be wrong?


any help would be appreciated...


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domokun - Check the plugin's config.php

zerobabble - I have a bug report I need to look at that might be the same thing as you are seeing. Does a blank page end up loading? Or does *nothing* happen? If the former, try increasing your warning levels in your php.ini file. If the later, try navigating by hand to http://yoursite/admin/plugins/phpbbbridge/install.php?action=doinstall

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alrighty then..that first comment has nothing to do with my post so perhaps Ill post again..

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My first comment has everything to do with your post. The config.php for phpbbbridge has a section where you specify whether or not you want to display the left/right blocks with your forum.

One question for you, though, I thought you were having trouble getting this up and running on your host. How did you fix it?



I am all set..it was zerobabble who hijacked my thread and submitted something that had nothing to do with my post.

As for my issue..you solved that this am. I never had any installtion problems..



yeah i noticed that too... i didn't mean to highjack your thread i was trying to keep the thread in one location... i am sorry for sharing...

Turias - it seems *nothing* happens and it just goes to that second page... what warning levels should i increase in the php.ini file... i usually don't go in there... i tried the link directly and still it goes to screen shot two..

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What webserver are you running?

To increase error reporting, find the error_reporting line in php.ini and make it:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE


i am running RHES3 with httpd-2.0.46-46.ent and php 4.3.10

i also have had the error_reporting set to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Banging your head Banging your head Banging your head


actually i just upgraded my phpv to 4.4.0 and it fixed it...

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