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clean theme (add links to the article page)


regarding this:
Add links to the article page

To make the spiders index the article.php page (i.e. the page that has the entire story text and not only the intro), it helps to make the story title a link to the actual story (in storytext.thtml and featuredstorytext.thtml):
where do i add this in the "clean" theme?

i know what files.... story & featuredstory

i just can't find the right place to do it Doh! - that was a mistake

any help would be much appreciated!!!!



ok i found out where to put them but not ALL of my stories are hyperlinks now???

only a few of them are?

very strange Crying or Very sad

for some reason the .non-ul css thingy does not work in the style.css for the "clean" theme..

i also installed siteidex.php & made a link to it in footer.thtml

is that you have to do for the bots to find it?

ok thanks again.



if i have siteindex.php on my site

do i really need to do the "make the articles in to links" thing?


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by angelica: ok i found out where to put them but not ALL of my stories are hyperlinks now???.

There are three sets of story templates: For the featured story, for the "normal" stories, and for archived stories. Make sure you changed them all.

bye, Dirk


thanks dirk!!!!!!

Its a deal - shaking hands

all of them are hyperlinks now...

one last question praying it will work (i liked your post on "am i speaking chinese or something")

the .non-ul class doesnt work in the clean theme
so i can't make the titles not show up as hyperlinks.

any ideas?

thanks again


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by angelica: the .non-ul class doesnt work in the clean theme

The Clean theme already has an 'articleTitle' class for story titles. Try to add the CSS for the 'nonul' class to the 'articleTitle' class.

bye, Dirk


i tried both =

i added non-ul to this 1st but nothing.

SPAN.articleTitle.non-ul { color: #000000; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-decoration: none }

then i tried this by itself but nothing.
articleTitle.non-ul { text-decoration: none }

i am not a css expert sorry Rolling Eyes


also why do robots only index my index.php page?

i uploaded a sitemap to google
i installed siteindex.php

ok sorry to bug u so much

thanks i will go experiment on my own


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Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
The stylesheet contains rules for links that interfere with the modifications I suggested in the FAQ. Try this:

In style.css, change SPAN.articleTitle to A.articleTitle. Then, in storytext.thtml (and the other story templates), change
Text Formatted Code
<span class="articleTitle">{story_title}</span>
Text Formatted Code
<a href="{article_url}" class="articleTitle">{story_title}</a>

bye, Dirk


thanks Dirk

but i tried that it didn't work for me since i am a little slow Crying or Very sad

i did this & the titles look normal now (they don't look like hyperlinks)
but i can't make the h1 or h2 tags work on the titles. Doh! - that was a mistake

I added this to my style.css

Text Formatted Code

.nodecoration:link, a.nodecoration:visited, a.nodecoration:hover, a.nodecoration:active {
        background: transparent;
        color: #000000;
        text-decoration: none; }

& I changed this is my featuredstorytext.thtml

Text Formatted Code

        <td align="left"><h1><span class="articleTitle"><a href="{article_url}" title="{story_title}" class="nodecoration">{story_title}</a></span><h1></td>  


ok thanks for all the help again...



link to the solution:

http://www.geeklog.net/forum/viewtopic.php?forum=3&showtopic=56062&lastpost=true Big Celebration

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