Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 11:48 am EST

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remove (0/0) from topics block


Hello, I am setting up a site with geeklog and am curious to know how to remove the (0/0) from my topics block. Basically I have renamed the topic block to 'Navigation' and have only a few items under the topic. I am going to create a static page for each item under the topic but I have (0/0) next to each item. How do I get rid of these? Maybe a better way to accomplish what I am doing? Thanks

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In your config.php, set $_CONF['showstorycount'] and $_CONF['showsubmissioncount'] to 0.

- Andy


perfect! Thanks a lot.

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Posts: 73
If I understand correctly you want a simple menu linking to static pages.
I suggest you do not use the topic block at all.
Create a new block and link to your static pages there.
Geeklog Plugins: http://plugincms.com

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