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Installation of Geeklog 1.3.11.sr1

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Registered: 09/15/04
Posts: 61
Never having completed an upgrade before, I practiced on one of my test sites. Sites I use to practice plugin installs etc.
To no avail, I could not upgrade from 1.3.10.
So I decided to do a fresh install, I get no error messages, I get no success messages..I get this

' . $_RIGHTS[$i] . '' . LB; } if ($_CST_VERBOSE) { COM_errorLog('**** Leaving phpblock_showrights in lib-custom.php ****', 1); } return $retval; } /*** * * Get Bent() * * Php function to tell you how if your site is grossly insecure * **/ function phpblock_getBent() { global $_CONF, $_TABLES; $secure = true; $retval = ''; $secure_msg = 'Could not find any gross insecurities in your site. Do not take this '; $secure_msg .= 'as meaning your site is 100% secure, as no site ever is. I can only '; $secure_msg .= 'check things that should be blatantly obvious.'; $insecure_msg = ''; // we don't have the path to the admin directory, so try to figure it out // from $_CONF['site_admin_url'] $adminurl = $_CONF['site_admin_url']; if (strrpos ($adminurl, '/') == strlen ($adminurl)) { $adminurl = substr ($adminurl, 0, -1); } $pos = strrpos ($adminurl, '/'); if ($pos === false) { // only guessing ... $installdir = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'admin/install'; } else { $installdir = $_CONF['path_html'] . substr ($adminurl, $pos + 1) . '/install'; } if (is_dir ($installdir)) { $insecure_msg .= '

You should really remove the install directory ' . $installdir .' once you have your site up and running without any errors.'; $insecure_msg .= ' Keeping it around would allow malicious users the ability to destroy your current install, take over your site, or retrieve sensitive information.'; $secure = false; } // check to see if any account still has 'password' as its password. $count = DB_query("select count(*) as count from {$_TABLES['users']} where passwd='" . md5('password') . "'"); $A = DB_fetchArray($count); if ( $A['count'] > 0 ) { $secure = false; $insecure_msg .= '

You still have not changed the default password from "password" on ' . $A['count'] . ' account(s). '; $insecure_msg .= 'This will allow people to do serious harm to your site!'; } if ($secure) { $retval = $secure_msg; } else { $retval = $insecure_msg; } $retval = wordwrap($retval,20,' ',1); return $retval; } /* Sample Custom Member Functions to create and update Custom Membership registration and profile Note1: Enable CustomRegistration Feature in config.php $_CONF['custom_registration'] = true; // Set to true if you have custom code Note2: This example requries a template file called memberdetail.thtml to be located under the theme_dir/custom directory. Sample is located in.....etc....etc....

Having done numerous installs, i am use to fixing error messages...but I am stumped. Alreday checked each individual uploaded file....



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Registered: 01/19/05
Posts: 113
Pls. clarify - you get this error after the database install step? i.e. Step 7 in this install doc.


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Registered: 09/15/04
Posts: 61
I proceed to the geeklog install page, where-in I am asked if I am upgrading or new database. Ok...so far so good.
At first I wished to do an upgrade, this brought me to all the script as noted above - checked all my files to no avail.
So I decided to attempt a new install - yes a new database (clean install, new directory) only to be brought the same scripting as noted above..

So then I attempted a fresh install again (clean install, new directory, new database) with 1.3.10 with no poroblem at all.
I must have missed something in my upload of 1.3.11


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Registered: 09/15/04
Posts: 61
With my head bowed in shame, I finally found the error. Two of my Sytem files were reversed named (exchanged with each other) One of the problems I often encounter with Cute FTP Pro......
The clean install worked fine, to tired now to attempt test an upgrade...will try tomorror....



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