Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 28 2024 @ 06:21 pm EST

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Selective Online List show of Users


There has been quite a few threads on the problem that 'who is online' list can get long if there are some 50 or 100 concurrent users. There has been threads also on the request/absence of "add to favorit authors" or "add to buddy" - the cioncept being that if there are hundreds of contributors in a site I can choose a few whose name will be shown in a sideblock .

It will be a good idea to merge the two - that is, an online buddy list - the name of the buddy is shown as well as a small red or green button. This way 'who is online' list can get shorter with a link to the full list.

I am a php newbie and not a coder but am amazed to see how this thing is managed by just a 4kb file in the e107.org [ http://www.e107coders.org/download.php?view.715 ]

Text Formatted Code

Carl Cedergren       asperon@home.se
@include_once(e_PLUGIN."buddy_menu/languages/admin/".(file_exists(e_PLUGIN."buddy_menu/languages/admin/".e_LANGUAGE.".php") ? e_LANGUAGE : "English").".php");
if(!getperms("P")){ header("location:".e_BASE."index.php"); }

        $pref['buddylist_showusers'] = $_POST['buddylist_showusers'];
        $message = BUDDYADLAN_0;

        $ns -> tablerender("", "<div style='text-align:center'><b>$message</b></div>");

$buddylist_showusers = $pref['buddylist_showusers'];

$text = "<div style='text-align:center'>
        <form method='post' action='".e_SELF."'>
        <table style='width:85%' class='fborder'>
        <td style='width:50%' class='forumheader3'>".BUDDYADLAN_1."</td>
        <td style='width:50%' class='forumheader3'>".
        ($pref['buddylist_showusers'] ? "<input type='checkbox' name='buddylist_showusers' value='1'  checked>" : "<input type='checkbox' name='buddylist_showusers' value='1'>")."
        <tr style='vertical-align:top'>
        <td colspan='2'  style='text-align:center' class='forumheader'>
        <input class='button' type='submit' name='updatesettings' value='".BUDDYADLAN_2."' />

$ns -> tablerender(BUDDYLAN_BUDDY, $text);



Can this be somehow made into a quick and dirty fix ? There are personns like Dirk, scurvy dog ,summitca for whom these will probably take few minutes. Any positive help will be greatly appreciated and a small donation forwared to GL Smile.

Giving it a try
Can someone help me


any general help ?


Can someone help me


Can someone help me


Any help please Can someone help me

Status: offline


Forum User
Registered: 09/11/05
Posts: 14
A few of those lines pull a lot of stuff from other places, so there's more to that than meets the eye.

The actual code to display it is pretty simple, and that's what you're seeing there. Grab a person's table of buddies from their prefs, and then check against it before you display the block to them.

The hard part is writing the code to let people modify their list.

If you feel like spending money, you can buy glMessenger and it will include a buddy list manager. I don't know if it has a buddylist display block, but if it doesn't it will still be easier to hack one together.

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