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installation error

the black pig

I have tried several times to install and each time I get the following error
Template Error: set_root: /home/admin/mainwebsite_html/GeekLog/mainwebsite_htmllayout/professional is not a directory.
Having read the documentation I have created a new database and altered the config.php file but to no avail.
The line in the config file reads $_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'mainwebsite_html';
Is this correct when my "public.html" = mainwebsite_html ?

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Make sure all your path settings end in a slash. The one you quoted above, for example, does not ...

bye, Dirk

the black pig

Tried that, created new data base and the result.......
Template Error: set_root: /home/admin/mainwebsite_html/GeekLog/mainwebsite_html/layout/professional is not a directory.

Really don't know what is wrong Crying or Very sad

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Quote by the black pig: Tried that, created new data base and the result.......
Template Error: set_root: /home/admin/mainwebsite_html/GeekLog/mainwebsite_html/layout/professional is not a directory.

Really don't know what is wrong Crying or Very sad

see if the dir if there or not in the first place. you seem to be pointing to the wrong dir.

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Quote by the black pig:The line in the config file reads $_CONF['path_html'] = $_CONF['path'] . 'mainwebsite_html';
Is this correct when my "public.html" = mainwebsite_html ?

Why does GeekLog have captal letters but the rest is lower case? Is this correct? I believe Linux is case sensitive so check that too.

Also you have 2 mainwebsite_html's in your path statement which might be confusing the installation as to which one is your public_html directory. Your public_html directory should be the one following /admin/.

So your website url path would be www.yoursite.com/GeekLog/mainwebsite_html/index.php

Hope this clears up anything.
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