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Domain Fowarding

Rafael R

I have a domain registerd under go daddy and I have fowarded it to this site " httP:// " and I had it only foward to the " " and it worked. I want to make my fowarding so people only have to enter my domain name for ex. "www.mysite.com" but the only way it will work is if I only foward it to my ip and then in the browser type the whole thing.
ex. " http://www.mysite.com/kavayo/public_html" and this is a problem for me. also now if I enter the domain name the page appears without a them all in white and wont go passed the main page. If I put everything back the way it was it works. so Im guessing it has to do between the config.php and the forwarding at go daddy unless mistaken please help


First off...what are you running for a web server? Do you have DNSing setup correctly? If you are running windows IIS, the root of your site will need to be where the config.php file is. Then once you have the directory structure setup from the tarball, you need to make the public_html dir the home dir in IIS. Then Under Website Identification, click on advanced and then Add or edit. Then fill in the proper info for your IP (ubless your inside a NAT ) the machine IP will do. Then type in www.yourdomain.com, Whatever your domain name is, into the Host header name field.

As far as DNSing goes, you will need to set that up so that your web traffic points to the IP of the (external IP, if your on a NAT) machine thats hosting the website. Use 'A' records insead of CNames as it cuts down on the lookups of the domain, it'll be less traffic on the DNS



I have the same forwarding/masking problem from godaddy...

what is the exact piece of code to place in the config.php that will allow me to log into the site if I use the redirected url i. e.

http://www.atlantadowntownministry.com is forwarded to ..
http://www.jollymoon.com/aande where my geeklog is actually parked.

$_CONF['cookie_path'] = '/';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.jollymoon.com/aande'; // e.g. '.example.com'

I tried this and no go...from atlantadowntownministry.com

what about any other variables in the config.php?

or do I have to purchase a complete website i.e. www.atlantadowntownministry.com and then reload the whole geeklog?

works fine if you go from the original page www.jollymoon.com/aande but I wanted someone to type the www.atlantadowntownministry.com in their URL instead of buying a whole another website...


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Registered: 09/08/05
Posts: 21
Quote by jollymoon: help...

I have the same forwarding/masking problem from godaddy...

what is the exact piece of code to place in the config.php that will allow me to log into the site if I use the redirected url i. e.

http://www.atlantadowntownministry.com is forwarded to ..
http://www.jollymoon.com/aande where my geeklog is actually parked.

$_CONF['cookie_path'] = '/';
$_CONF['cookiedomain'] = '.jollymoon.com/aande'; // e.g. '.example.com'

I tried this and no go...from atlantadowntownministry.com

what about any other variables in the config.php?

or do I have to purchase a complete website i.e. www.atlantadowntownministry.com and then reload the whole geeklog?

works fine if you go from the original page www.jollymoon.com/aande but I wanted someone to type the www.atlantadowntownministry.com in their URL instead of buying a whole another website...


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Registered: 09/08/05
Posts: 21
what about just changing the DNS name servers? from atlantadowntownministry to the DNS name servers for jollymoon.com?

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