Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 06:17 pm EST

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error selecting database because of database name. help please.

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Registered: 10/27/03
Posts: 2
Thanks for reading this, first of all.

I have moved my geeklog site from server A to server B.

Server B is a web hosting service which gives me up to 3 MySQL databases.

The databases are named by the webhosting service according to your ftp username.

SO... the first data base I created (lets say my ftp login is xyz) was called "xyz".

I have no problem connecting to this database at all.

The SECOND database I created was automatically named "xyz-1". BTW, I used the same password as the first database and the username does not change.

This one I cannot connect to. The error message is "error selecting database".

I realize that this is not specifically a geeklog problem, but rather a problem somehow associated with the name my second database has been (automatically) given.

My Webhosting service has been NO HELP whatsoever. They are telling me there's no way to change the name of the database. They acknowledge the problem exists, but cannot explain WHY it is happening.

If anyone out there can offer any suggestions or advice, I'd sure like to hear them.

Than you in advance.


Well, I solved it myself.

Guess what, the username for database two is NOT xyz. It's xyz-1.

Now you'd think that the tech support guy could have know that !!


There. I feel better now.

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