Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, March 06 2025 @ 10:05 pm EST

Geeklog Forums



Hi there.
I have always been using Geeklog, and let me first thank you for a wonderfull product.
My hostmaster (a friend) has resently deactivated register_globals, so now I can use Geeklog anymore. Is it a way to go around register_globals? He says that he can activate it, because its not good for the server.
Activating regiter_globals is not an option!
So, it it possible to use geeklog with register_globals deactiveted?
If no, will it come a verson that doesent use register_globals in the future?

Please don't give me an answer with a lot of that linux lang. when I'm not that skilled :p


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I just recently ran into this myself, when I 'upgraded' from a 'budget' hosting plan to an 'Advanced' hosting plan. Register_Global was ON on the 'budget' plan, but is set OFF on the 'Advanced' plan. The hosting company will not turn it ON, on the Advanced plan.

My fix was to put a php.ini file, with Register_Globals=ON, in each directory from which any of the .php programs are executed. This turns this setting ON, for the programs that are executed from within any of these directories. It's a little bit of trouble to have to do this, but it does work.


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