Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Thursday, September 19 2024 @ 12:06 pm EDT

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how to edit links / web resources?


I am trying to make my link list look like the one here from geeklog but I can't see where I can edit the categories directly (only by adding a link and then creating a category) and I don't see to figure out how to get the "top ten list". I looked at the settings I can change in the config.php but this seems only to be about colums and the length of the list.


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Quote by duvide:I can't see where I can edit the categories directly (only by adding a link and then creating a category)

Unfortunately this is the only way.
Quote by duvide:I don't see to figure out how to get the "top ten list".

This will be created automatically if you enter some links.

If you want to have more control over your links you might consider installing phplinks hack. It's available in the download section here on geeklog.net
You can see it in action on my site or the hack's author Mr. Squatty's Very Happy
Geeklog Polish Support Team


Thank you Robin,

now that I know that I can't create categories without creating entries I just do it in phpmyadmin, that works.
I will have a closer look at your hack later...


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