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Static pages adding slashes to quotes in my HTML



I am using Static pages plugin v 1.4 and geeklog 1.3.9.

I had several static pages working perfectly until my host server was upgraded from Mac OS 10.2.8 to 10.3.9. The version of PHP and MySQL may have also been updated at the same time.

The upgrade cause no harm to any aspect of my geeklog site other than the Static pages (and even some of the static pages remained fine). The static pages that are screwed up all have the same problem. Anywhere that a quote (single quote or double quote) occurs in the html, a back slash is added to when the page is

I see where this topic has been touched on in other posts but I haven't yet seen a definitive answer to the problem (or at least one that I actually understand).

Can someone please help me with this?

Thanks in advance


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Upgrade! Easy as that. I know there was a bug just like this with staticpages awhile back. Coulda been with 1.3.9. See what you're missing
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I found this thread relating to the quotes issue, which is now showing up in all my stories, not just static pages. Was there ever a definitive answer on how to remove the slashes preceding the quotes?

Example: "vice verses"

I have the most recent version of GL, so upgrading is not the answer.
Luhme summa dat GL.

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Hah! It removed the slashes here when I posted it. In front of each of those quotes above was a /
Luhme summa dat GL.

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I seem to remember issues with extra backslashes in comments due to changes in the comment handling in 1.4.0, but I'm not aware of similar issues with stories.

bye, Dirk

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