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rss missing args error

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error tracking skills are lacking today it seems. any help would be appreciated.
this is my error whenever a feed is being created or updated:
Text Formatted Code
Warning: Missing argument 5 for plg_getfeedcontent() in Y:\glCVS\geeklog\system\lib-plugins.php on line 1312

Warning: Missing argument 6 for plg_getfeedcontent() in Y:\glCVS\geeklog\system\lib-plugins.php on line 1312

I'm running lib-plugins.php version 1.89. The feed is created/updated, but the errors remain whenever the action takes place. and obviously this is in response to a plugin's feed being updated.

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Registered: 01/12/02
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What sort of feed is it? Looks like one from a plugin. And which format is it in? The two missing arguments are for the feed format and version number (e.g. "RSS" and "2.0"), which are extracted from the 'format' entry in the gl_syndication table.

My guess: A plugin's feed (Inmemoriam?) where the 'format' entry is still "rss" or similar, as in Geeklog versions prior to 1.4 (in 1.4, it would be "RSS-2.0").

bye, Dirk

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yup, now there is my problem... the entries in the table are according to Geeklog 1.4, in fact they were all created using Geeklog 1.4. Each entry in the format column is "RSS-2.0" so I'm left wondering where these are getting lost. The feeds were created using Geeklog 1.4.

and yes, i'm working with an Inmemoriam feed, but I've just tried creating a feed from the Links plugin and the same error occurs. When saving a newly created feed, it flashes the error just before the page refresh if that makes any difference.

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My apologies for wasting your time Dirk. I had intermingled a previoius version of lib-syndication with the newest lib-plugins. My bad.

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