Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 10:25 am EST

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My hosting provided following code to be inserted in the top of my PHP pages to turn on register_globals.

ini_set ('register_globals' , '1');

But i don't know which PHP pages this need to be inserted.



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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Put it into lib-common.php, right under the error_reporting( ... ); line.

bye, Dirk



This is where i placed but it didn't work.

// Prevent PHP from reporting uninitialized variables
error_reporting( E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_COMPILE_ERROR );
ini_set ('register_globals', '1');

Am i doing it right?



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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Looks good to me. So what's happening?

bye, Dirk


I am still getting this message when i do install -

Warning: You have register_globals = Off in your php.ini. However, Geeklog requires register_globals to be on. Before you continue, please set it to on and restart your web server.

thanks -


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The script is just looking at your php.ini which does not change with your edit.
The message is accurate and since you've put that bit of code into your lib-common.php file it is now not necessary to pay any attention to the message anymore.. just move on.

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Yep, the install script doesn't use lib-common.php at first (only in the later steps). And it works just fine with register_globals = off. So just do the install.

bye, Dirk


I was able to install and view my demo page. I logged in as an admin but i am not able to contribute stories. But i was able to comment. Also i tried to register as new user but i am not receiving email confirmation. When i try to submit stories i get an sql error. Any idea?
By the way, i am installing beta version.


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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
First of all: If you're using 1.4.0b1, then you don't need to care about register_global settings anyway. This is the first Geeklog version that works with register_globals on and off.

Quote by Jason: I logged in as an admin but i am not able to contribute stories.

So what happens?

Quote by Jason: Also i tried to register as new user but i am not receiving email confirmation.

This probably doesn't have anything to do with Geeklog itself but with how emails are sent (and received, e.g. spam filters sometimes eat that email ...). See the FAQ for some hints: Configuring email (Geeklog 1.3.9 and newer versions)

Quote by Jason: When i try to submit stories i get an sql error.

So please quote the SQL error.

bye, Dirk


I am getting following errors.

Text Formatted Code
Fri 09 Dec 2005 10:45:13 MST - 1366: Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'statuscode' at row 1. SQL in question: REPLACE INTO gl_stories (sid,uid,tid,title,introtext,bodytext,hits,date,comments,related,featured,commentcode,trackbackcode,statuscode,expire,postmode,frontpage,draft_flag,numemails,owner_id,group_id,perm_owner,perm_group,perm_members,perm_anon,show_topic_icon,in_transit) VALUES ('20051209104501745',2,'GeekLog','test','test','test',0,FROM_UNIXTIME(1134150301),'0','',0,'0','0','',FROM_UNIXTIME(943945201),'plaintext','1',0,0,2,3,3,2,2,2,1,1)

Fri 09 Dec 2005 10:46:50 MST - [pear_error: message="mail() returned failure" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]

Fri 09 Dec 2005 11:49:22 MST - Failed to set session cookie.




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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Not sure what to make of that SQL error. Are you using the Professional theme?

That PEAR error indicates a problem with using the mail() function to send emails. So try one of the other options from the FAQ article I mentioned above.

bye, Dirk

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