Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 06:55 am EST

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I am trying to locate the html code for the index.php file, can someone tell me where it might be? When I am on the portals home page I can do the View Source from the web browser (both in Mozilla and IE) but when I go into the administators side of the portal, I cannot find the file anywhere. And I have looked at every file in the site trying to find this code. This was a class project and the member that installed geeklog set up the portal using a site different from the designated site as provided by the professor. Then he was instructed, by the professor, to move it all back onto the site the instructor bought for the project. Website address is http://anyuwa.org.

Thanks for any help anyone can provide me.


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View-Source only shows the code the way your web browser parses it. Only html code will show in view-source too.

The index file is located in public_html. If this is really what you are looking for. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Are you trying to move the site?
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There is no such file. All the contents that Geeklog displays are created dynamically from information stored in the database and formatted using the theme's template files (in the layout directory).

bye, Dirk

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Yes, I have seen that file. I am trying to modify the code so when you are in the site and click on Webmail it takes to an email service to send and receive email.



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your webmail link leads to a "staticpage" and that staticpage's content is stored in the database. If you wish to edit the link in order to lead somewhere else, you'll need to edit the staticpage that houses the link. It seems to be contained in a staticpage centerblock.

To find it, choose staticpages from your admin menu and sift through the pages listed... you should find one that contains your front page centerblock. The webmail page will also be listed there, but if you are planning on linkeng your webmial somewhere else, then you can safely delete the webmial staticpage (or at least disable it from being accessed).

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oh, and i was talking about the webmail link in the main content area.
The webmail link that you see in the left block can be edited from your block editor (see the admin menu for "blocks").



Thanks for the help. I finally found the staticpages under the Admin link quite by accident. I really appreciate your help in this matter though.


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