Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, December 30 2024 @ 12:07 pm EST
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"Many Connection Errors" error
I'm 99% sure that this is an issue with my host, but I just want to be sure. I am getting the following error whenever I view my site:
Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/user/geeklog/system/databases/mysql.class.php on line 112
Cannnot connect to DB server
This all started after a server upgrade (which I didn't know about til I started messing around with code). I also have tried replacing the file above to no avail. I've verified the server name, host name, database user, etc and everything checks out fine. Is this because of something I did or no?
Warning: mysql_connect(): Host 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' is blocked because of many connection errors. Unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts' in /home/user/geeklog/system/databases/mysql.class.php on line 112
Cannnot connect to DB server
This all started after a server upgrade (which I didn't know about til I started messing around with code). I also have tried replacing the file above to no avail. I've verified the server name, host name, database user, etc and everything checks out fine. Is this because of something I did or no?
All times are EST. The time is now 12:07 pm.
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