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HELP - "error selecting database"


I've tried two different MySQL databases on two different servers.
all I get on the 2nd page of the install is

error selecting database

Checked database name, login, and password.

What else could cause thie problem?

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Quote by Mitch: Checked database name, login, and password.

Check again. Also check the name of the database server and that the database actually exists.

bye, Dirk


well whenever I change that info I get other errors. When everything seems right I get the error selecting database message.

Like I said, I've tried this with 2 different databases on 2 different database servers with 2 different sets of credentials. So I pretty sure its getting to the database.

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Is it cpanel? Did you add a user to the database?


cpanel? I don't know...

I have a MySQL with a user name and password. It works fine with the phpBB that I have running. Would that cause any conflict?

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It is a bit difficult to help with hardly any facts. Many people don`t get their cpanel configuration right the first time. In your case you seem to have one MySQL running without problems - phpbb. So it must be something else.

I can only repeat what Dirk said: Check if there is a database on the webspace / server. What are your settings, anything special, is it webspace?


I think its my hosts problem (1and1).....

I had someone setup another db on another server and after a few of the same snags, I got it running. I think 1and1 doesn't have the user added to the db... or something like that.

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1and1 has their own interface it is not cpanel. I`d try to read the help again on 1and1. To connect to a MySQL is not difficult but requires some knowledge on how it is being done with the specifit hosting company.


I have a differnt MySQL and now everything works. I think 1and1 was not allowing the login... even though it works fine with phpBB.

Oh well... I've got it up now with a different db server.



I am getting the same message also. I removed geeklog 1.3 since I had just installed that and I wanted to install 1.4. I have tried two differnt DB and the same message comes up. I know I have the correct info in the config file. anything else you can think of??


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The relevant settings with GL are these:

$_DB_host = 'localhost';
$_DB_name = '###';
$_DB_user = '###';
$_DB_pass = '###';

$_DB_table_prefix = 'gl_';

It can be a bit tricky to understand the webhost and to set up a MySQL though. It does not make sense to try "two differnt DB" but rather to approach it in 2 or 3 ways. it appears to be a problem on the webhost's side though it is strange when you get e.g. phpbb running.

So what is the system, cpanel? Did you check the settings again?


I have checked all my settings and all look correct. My hosting company is Aplus.net and I am using MySQL 4.0.26. I also tried deleting the DB and making a new one. This is the same info I used when I installed GL 1.3.

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So what does Aplus.net say then?


I am using a different DB and now I am getting the message in the error log.

What does this mean and how do I fix it?


Wed Feb 8 12:12:04 2006 - 1146: Table 'squirrellydw.gl_plugins' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT pi_name FROM gl_plugins WHERE pi_enabled = 1

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Quote by squirrelly: I am using a different DB and now I am getting the message in the error log.

What does this mean and how do I fix it?


Wed Feb 8 12:12:04 2006 - 1146: Table 'squirrellydw.gl_plugins' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT pi_name FROM gl_plugins WHERE pi_enabled = 1

I also should point out that when I used the other DB I was getting the "error selecting database" error.

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Quote by squirrelly: What does this mean and how do I fix it?


Wed Feb 8 12:12:04 2006 - 1146: Table 'squirrellydw.gl_plugins' doesn't exist. SQL in question: SELECT pi_name FROM gl_plugins WHERE pi_enabled = 1

Well, I lost track of the details here, but the above means that you can obivously connect to that database. It also means that you didn't run the install script yet (for that database).

bye, Dirk


For anyone else with this error...a pretty common mistake in cpanel is to create your database and then create your user but then forget to add that user to the database. In cpanel you should see two drop downs, one with your user and the other with your database. At the bottom of that dialogue you'll see a box that says "Add User to Db". If you don't click that, the user won't be able to access the database, hence the error. Also, when editing the config file, remember the user and the database have the account as a prefix.

Just my two cents
hope this helps someone else out.


Bendy, absolutely fantastically explained.

A common mistake (one I made the first time I installed GL) and a thoroughly frustrating one to find your way out of if you don't know how! Such a simple solution to such a simple problem.

Well done and thanks a million!

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Apart form the fact that Mitch did not have cpanel, here are some great video tutorials also on MySQL and cpanel: https://www.opensourcehost.com/mos452/content/view/9/39/

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