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Need Help installing Weather block...php_weatherblock does not exist error


Well I placed all the files in the proper locations and ran the install as well as the DB query. In the block on the website I get this instead of it working:

Error in PHP Block. Function, phpblock_getweather, does not exist.

Any help would be appreciated...also noticed in the error log that it stops with this entry, not showing "Success":

Mon Feb 20 17:46:20 2006 - ...success
Mon Feb 20 17:46:20 2006 - About to save group_id to vars table for use during uninstall
Mon Feb 20 17:46:20 2006 - ...success
Mon Feb 20 17:46:20 2006 - Adding weather.admin feature
Mon Feb 20 17:46:20 2006 - Success
Mon Feb 20 17:46:20 2006 - Adding weather.admin feature to admin group

That is the end of the log...

Thanks for the help!
Joe Z


Well I see what it didn't do so I've tried to go back manually to fix some of it...but there is just one part that I have no idea how to add.

// COM_errorLog("Adding $feature feature to admin group",1);
// DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['access']} (acc_ft_id, acc_grp_id) VALUES ($feat_id, $group_id)");
// if (DB_error()) {
// COM_errorLog("Failure adding $feature feature to admin group",1);
// plugin_uninstall_weather();
// return false;
// exit;
// }
// COM_errorLog("Success",1);

It's commented off so that it would skip that and finish the install, but how do I manually enter this part in? I don't know how to gather the feat_id or group_id.


By skipping this I found out that everything but the admin panel works properly.....

How do I manually enter in what is missing from there? Please help


Did you query the stations.sql and forecast.sql?


That wasn't the problem...fixed it but had to figure out most of the install code. It wouldn't register the admin database variables for $feat_id and $group_id, so I disabled them and installed anyway successfully, then figured out how to manually enter them in.

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