Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 03:11 pm EST
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Topic Icons
Does anyone know where i can get topic icons
Topic icons are nothing more than 49px by 49px images of any web-displayable type. I have been making my own icons with my digital camera & GIMP or with just GIMP (or you can use any graphic editor).
On my main site I have a topic entitled "health" and for that I grabbed my wife's stethoscope, put it on white paper, and snapped it with my digital camera. I converted the image thus created to gif, edited out the background, and scaled the image the proper size and that is my "Health" icon. My sitematters icon I just used GIMP to create a 49 px by 49 px image with lines of 1s and 0s.
Where you could find someone with icons such as you want already created? I suppose you could surf google images or newspaper sites, but then you have the copright issue to contend with.
BTW the shortness & pudginess in my pic is exagerated by scaling!
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