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Help with variables

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Registered: 02/06/06
Posts: 19
Please help me define these:

Text Formatted Code
//------ Geeklog Specific Settings ------//
// Geeklog session id cookie
$gl_sid = 'uid';

// Name of table containing users
$gl_user_table = 'username';

// Name of table containing sessions
$gl_session_table = 'nuke_session_info';

// Name of table containing group memberships
$gl_group_table = 'nuke_group_membership';

// Name of table containing settings
$gl_settings_table = 'nuke_module_vars';

// Set the group id of the Geeklog group you want to be webcal admins.
// Default is set to the Geeklog 'Admins' group
$gl_admin_gid = '2';

//------ General Application Settings ------//
// What is the full URL to the login page (including http:// or https://)
$app_login_page = 'http://www.bostonteamssuck.com/users.php';

// Is there a parameter we can pass to tell the application to
// redirect the user back to the calendar after login?
$app_redir_param = 'url';  // postnuke uses 'url'

// What is the full URL to the logout page (including http:// or https://)
$app_logout_page = 'http://collegetampa.com/users.php?mode=logout';

// Are the application's tables in the same database as webcalendar's?
$app_same_db = '1';  // 1 = yes, 0 = no
// Only need configure the rest if $app_same_db != 1

 // Name of database containing the app's tables
$app_db = 'postnuke';

// Host that the app's db is on
$app_host = 'localhost';

// Login/Password to access the app's database
$app_login = 'pnuser';
$app_pass  = 'pnpassword';

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And what is it exactly you are trying to achieve?
Use Geeklog files and DB from Nuke?
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Registered: 02/06/06
Posts: 19
its how to authenticate users on an outside db for webcalendar.

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Registered: 02/06/06
Posts: 19
please help

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Help with what? You post a piece of code (or some configuration file, from the looks of it) with no explanation of what it is or what you expect it to do and then ask for help ...

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 02/06/06
Posts: 19
Quote by Dirk: Help with what? You post a piece of code (or some configuration file, from the looks of it) with no explanation of what it is or what you expect it to do and then ask for help ...

bye, Dirk

Quote by joez: its how to authenticate users on an outside db for webcalendar.

And in the code it says what the variables of the configuration file are for. I need to know:

// 1Geeklog session id cookie
// 2Name of table containing users
// 3Name of table containing sessions
// 4Name of table containing group memberships
// 5Name of table containing settings
// 6Set the group id of the Geeklog group you want to be webcal admins.
//------ General Application Settings ------//
// 7What is the full URL to the login page (including http:// or https://)
// 8Is there a parameter we can pass to tell the application to
// 9redirect the user back to the calendar after login?
//10What is the full URL to the logout page (including http:// or https://)

your help is appreciated





Help Please.





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