Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, December 22 2024 @ 01:48 am EST
Geeklog Forums
Problems with Geeklog updgrade
I upgraded successfully to 1.4 but there are a few bugs I'm trying to fix.
1. I upgraded for the new text editor that's part of the story editor. I see this on the demo site but when I log into my site it's not there. Is this a template issue?
2. When I go to edit an existing story, it tells me the story ID already exists and won't let me edit it. Permission error somewhere?
3. When I try to attatch a picture, it's saying the picture is too large now. Is this setting changed in the config file somewhere?
1. I upgraded for the new text editor that's part of the story editor. I see this on the demo site but when I log into my site it's not there. Is this a template issue?
2. When I go to edit an existing story, it tells me the story ID already exists and won't let me edit it. Permission error somewhere?
3. When I try to attatch a picture, it's saying the picture is too large now. Is this setting changed in the config file somewhere?
Okay, I can edit stories now and upload images, but I'm still trying to figure out how to access the new text editor.
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