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Fatal error: Class 'RSS20' not found

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I've gotten this far, but I'm stuck here. I can't find any clues regarding resolution of this meesage in google. I did manage to locate the file rss20.feed.class.php, downloaded it, and placed it in my system/classes directory. It made no difference; I'm not sure what to try next. I'm at a standstill with installation at this point. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Fatal error: Class 'RSS20' not found in C:wwwrootgeeklogsystemclassessyndicationparserfactory.class.php on line 121





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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Sorry, but what are you trying to do? And which version of Geeklog are you on?

The RSS20 file has never been needed by Geeklog - it's an add-on to allow RSS 2.0 feeds in 1.3.11. Geeklog 1.4.0 and later don't need that file and you shouldn't see any error message asking for that file.

So, please provide more information ...

bye, Dirk

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Sorry I didn't mention the version. It's Geeklog-1.4.0sr2.

I'm attempting a first-time install. If the above is not the current version (which I hope is not the case), I'd like to proceed anyway, if possible, unless there's a strong reason against.

Thanks for your time.


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Geeklog 1.4.0sr2 is the current version, so you're fine there.

There's actually a class called RSS20 in the file system/classes/syndication/rss.feed.class.php, so you're either missing that file (it's part of the standard install) or it may be corrupted. So make sure you're uploaded all the files and that they are okay.

bye, Dirk

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Location:Monticello, New York
That's a relief (the part about the current version).


I have the file you mention, in its proper place. I zipped up the one that I pulled off the web last night, to avoid potential conflicts. It looks okay to me, though perhaps you can tell better.

If you can tell anything by examining it, placed a copy on my server here: http://tomrue.net/temp





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Quote by tomrue: If you can tell anything by examining it, placed a copy on my server here: http://tomrue.net/temp

That won't work, as your server's going to interpret it. Change the extension to .phps or .txt

bye, Dirk

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Okay, see http://tomrue.net/temp



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Can't see anything wrong with that file. So if it's in the right directory and readable by the webserver, I have no idea what's causing that error message.

As a workaround, you could delete the one entry you'll find in your gl_syndiaction table. That should at least get your site back up. Later on, you could try creating a new feed from the Content Syndication panel. Or maybe try creating a portal block for a RSS 2.0 feed (like Geeklog's) and see if those work then.

bye, Dirk

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Location:Monticello, New York
Thanks! The work-around got me past that error. Now onward to the next one. Neutral


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