Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, December 21 2024 @ 12:19 pm EST

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I'm Lost


Ok, so I host my church's site through GoDaddy.com and I installed Geeklog 1.3 there, but then as I was looking over the Geeklog site to figure out how to change the layout and whatnot, I found that I need to do it through a config.php file...and I'm not sure where to find that...

Once I find that, I'll probably be good to go but I'm SO lost right now, I'd like to stab myself with a bic pen. Help? Anyone?

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What is your address to your geeklog site? If it is www.mysite.com/geeklog/ then your config.php file should be in your folder alongside your html files that make up your main page.

If you access your geeklog through the regular www.mysite.com/ then it's a little different...

GoDaddy does Geeklog a little different, as far as I know. Usually there will be some geeklog files and folders that are not accessable by the web, above the public_html or www folder. GoDaddy doesn't do it that way. Your top level GoDaddy folder is web accessable, so those files that geeklog normally puts above the web accessable folder, of which the config.php is one, are placed in a folder by themselves. The name of that folder can vary. Look for a folder that doesn't belong to the geeklog file structure.

So, ok, after reading what I just wrote I think you'll be ready to go ahead and stab yourself...

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Do not stab yourself with a Bic pen, that's so cheap... Wink

Doesn't the file manager from Big Daddy offer a search function?
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My husband thinks that there is no file manager on GoDaddy...but that wouldn't make sense (in my feeble logic, but hey! What do I know?!)

As far as I can tell, the webaddress for the geeklog is www.mysite.org/geeklog/ So, I suppose I'll be looking for a file manager and then going through files...

Thanks for the "pointing in the correct direction."

Banging your head Kryssie


My husband was correct. There is no file manager on GoDaddy. It is just FTP. So, I ftp'ed the geeklog folder. I have managed to adjust a very little bit based upon the documentation on the site.


How do I change graphics and layouts and all that stuff so that it matches the website I have already? We are undecided yet if we want to use it AS the site or if we want to use WITH the site...

Am I making sense? Read the FAQ

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You edit the template files for your layout.

Take a copy of

(including all sub directories and content) to

Then change $_CONF['theme'] (or is it layout?) to 'mytheme' from the default 'professional'

Then you edit the thtml files to change the HTML generated.



Hmmm...Ok, I think I understand.

Thank you very kindly for your assistance! I'll let you know if I hit any hang ups...again.

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Alrighty, then.

I've been trying to find that folder and to no avail. I ftp'ed the geeklog folder, but I don't have a layouts folder within it. Am I being dumb and just not seeing it or do I need to go back to web-developer's school and get a clue?? (Please, don't answer that with a serious answer!!)

I promise I can do all the changes if I just knew where to look for the files!! Honest!! And when I'm done, I'll let y'all view the portal...promise!!

In the meantime... Banging your head

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The layouts directory is right there in your main directory, i.e. where Geeklog's index.php and lib-common.php files are located. Hard to miss, actually ...

bye, Dirk

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Hmmm...well, apparently I'm blind, then. The only folder I have says "geeklog" and what's in it has nothing to do with layouts. It was where the css sheet was that I needed to configure a good portion of the layout.

I realize that I'm annoying in asking so many questions, but I've never used anything like this before, so please be patient with me. GoDaddy does not have a file manager, so I have to find these things via the FTP option. Not easy. If it's supposed to be in the geeklog directory, it's not. Does it have it's own directory? Should I be looking for it elsewhere rather than the geeklog directory folder?

Sorry for the questions...

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In the Geeklog folder

is a layout folder

in that folder is another folder with your themes name usually professional

thats where the files your looking for reside.

nuclear rooster

The way it is set up of Godaddy you want to look in www.mysite.com/geeklog/public_html for the layout directory.

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