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Site Sponsorship Block and/or Plug-in

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Registered: 02/20/06
Posts: 12
It would be great if our geeklog sites could have an interactive block to highlight a scrollable list of supporters/sponsors that could be arranged by zip code, amount contributed, alphabetically, street name, etc. at the users preference. The appearance would be something like this:

My Business Name (linked if web site available)
555 My Street
MyTown, USA 95928

This pattern would emulate public access tv and radio where there are broadcast limits (and equalizers) placed on advertising/sponsorships.

I have set up a number of neighborhood geeklog sites (www.chapmantown.org, www.cChaos.org, www.chicofoodnetwork.org, www.chicochild.org) and I would love to have a block like this to highlight local businesses/contributors without business logos and advertisements taking over the major news space of the site. The idea is that the scrollable and searchable nature of the list would make it attractive and informative enough for the local users to make the non-obtrusiveness of the business lists worth business' supporting the site.

It would be also be great to have businesses log on, sign up their site, contribute to the site if they want to, and have their business listed and tracked automatically.

Maybe a huge request from someone who does not do programming - but here it is regardless. - Or maybe someone has already developed something like this and can point me in that direction.

Thanks for all the great work you guys do!


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Registered: 03/22/04
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Have a look at the logolinks plugin. It's simple enough so that after a bit of modification it could do what you want. ...A few new fields here and a couple less there and viola!

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Registered: 02/20/06
Posts: 12
OK, I installed the logos plugin and it is up and running. (cChaos.org) I see how it might be modified to serve as a core for what I would like.

The first thing I want to do is eliminate the logo images and replace them with the linked (optional) text-name of the business.

I would then like to have the unlinked address displayed below the Business Name.

And then the amount contributed to the website below that.

So the fields I probably need are
1) Business Name -
with optional link
2) Street Number
3) Street Name
4) City Name
5) State Name
6) Zip Code
7) Web Site Sponsor Amount

Then I would like for the web site visitor to be able to sort the entries in the block by any of the above fields - perhaps by a "Sort by" drop down box at the top of the list (with the Web Site Sponsor Amount sorted from greatest to least).

So it seems like this is pretty involved. And I know nearly nothing about programing.

What files need to be changed? Any suggestions for working toward this? Any and all help would be much appreciated.

Regardless and again, thanks for all the great work you guys do.



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Registered: 02/20/06
Posts: 12
I don't know if this helps but in doing a web search I found something similar developed for phpNuke called nuketreasury. I don't know how much it takes to modify but it automaticly tracks donations through paypal toward meeting monthly goals. Not exactly what I am looking for - but getting closer.



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