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Staticpage URL ERROR


I created a static page but the end of the url that was created looks like this "...../staticpages/index.php/aboutus" which obviously will not open. If I type in the correct url into the browser like its suppose to be "...../staticpages/index.php?page=aboutus" it opens fine. Why is the URL being created incorrectly in the plugin script? I have the same problem with the little "Printer Friendly" button on the static page. It shows "...index.php/aboutus/print", which causes the same "file not found" error. I would assume that these url's are supposed be created correctly by the script and I shouldn't have to correct each one by hand. Any idea what the problem may be?

Thanks, Al

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Sounds like you switched URL rewriting on but your webserver isn't supporting it. So switch it back off ...
Text Formatted Code
// This feature, when activated, makes some of Geeklog's URLs more crawler
// friendly, i.e. more likely to be picked up by search engines.              
// Only implemented for stories, static pages, and portal links right now.    
// Note: Works with Apache (Linux and Windows successfully tested).
//       Unresolvable issues with systems running IIS; known PHP CGI bug.      
$_CONF['url_rewrite'] = false; // false = off, true = on

bye, Dirk


Thanks Dirk!!

That was the problem. Too bad, I wanted to use the URL rewrite feature and I have a Unix/Apache server but it must not allow this feature.

Thanks again, Al

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
You may have to switch on an option in the Apache config (if you're allowed to do that). See our FAQ.

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 12/04/06
Posts: 43
This isn't exactly a Geeklog problem, but I figured I'd ask the smart people here anyway:

I have the same problem as above. I'm using an Apache 1.3 server with Linux (a virtual server on a GoDaddy economy plan), and URL _rewrite doesn't work. I would like to add "AcceptPathInfo On" to my web server configuration file, as it says in the FAQ linked above.

Does anyone know how I would do this?

Thank you!

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
AcceptPathInfo is a directive for Apache 2 only, so it won't help you on Apache 1.3 ...

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 12/04/06
Posts: 43
Hmmm... so does that mean there's no way to implement URL_rewrite on Apache 1.3?



Sorry to bump this ancient thread, but it is relevant to my question.

The post above this one asks whether a server running apache 1.3 can handle URL rewrites, is it possible somehow with mod_rewrite ?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by: Mikesev

The post above this one asks whether a server running apache 1.3 can handle URL rewrites, is it possible somehow with mod_rewrite ?

What we call "URL rewriting" in Geeklog has nothing to do with the Apache mod_rewrite module. It's actually using a trick in PHP.

bye, Dirk

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